What is it?
Ceremonial womb tending is an invitation to reconnect with your body and spirit. Although thought to originate from Mexico it has traditionally been performed cross- culturally all across the world, including Europe. Traditionally, the birthing person is given this massage within hours of the birth and then receives it again at least 4 or 5 times during the first 40 days postpartum.
It is a soothing ritual that meets the postpartum mother’s psychological and physiological needs. It offers warmth and support to the pelvic area and abdomen thereby supporting the natural healing process. It also provides a safe enough space to nurture the mother and support the integration of their pregnancy and birthing experience. It can gently guide the person to release any birthing emotions in a gentle way, bringing them back into a sense of wholeness. Calling in support and asking for what you need is an empowering act, one that mothers must strive to reclaim rather than suffering in silence and trying to do it all alone.
This rite of passage ceremony acknowledges your journey and what no longer serves you so that it may be released and a new energy called in. This is critical for holistic postpartum healing. Being acknowledged and supported in your journey can lead to a deep sense of safety and empowerment to fully embrace your role as a mother. When a mother is healed and stands in her power there is a ripple effect throughout our society and all of life can thrive.
How can it support you?
The experience of pregnancy and childbirth is one of physical and spiritual opening and expansion. The mother can be left open, raw and vulnerable. Bodywork supports postpartum healing by grounding and closing the body - energetically and physically.
Perhaps even more importantly, it allows integration of the experience and honours this rite of passage into motherhood, even many years after the birth itself.
While being rocked, massaged and wrapped it provides a sense of support and safety. Your body is gently warmed and guided into deep restorative rest and as you allow yourself to receive this nurturing ritual, your nervous system slips into a restful parasympathetic state.
It provides a chrysalis-like space for the many transformations people can go through and when the unwrapping of the rebozo begins it can feel like a rebirth, just like a caterpillar metamorphosing into a butterfly.
I typically work with people who are in their postpartum period (including miscarriage, abortion, stillbirth and traumatic birth). This ritual however, is not limited to the postpartum period. It has been incredibly supportive for any mother many years postpartum or during transitionary period where a sense of safety, containment, nurturing and/or closure is needed e.g. end of a relationship, end of breastfeeding, menopause, hysterectomy, loss of a loved one.

What to expect
The ceremony that I offer is an integration of practices that include some
or all of the following:
- Womb Massage Therapy™ (Abdominal, Sacral & Womb)
- Postpartum mother-warming practices
- Closing of the Bones Rebozo Wrapping
- Ceremonial foot bath
- Sacred Oils
- Guided visualisation, meditation, yoga nidra
- Breathwork
- Sound Healing (drum, rattle, chimes, voice)
- Womb energy healing
- Altar set up to celebrate you and your journey
- Opportunity to share your birth story
- Follow-up email with personalised information and recommendations to support the integration of your session e.g instructions for castor oil packs and vaginal steaming
- My healing space in Fareham, or in your own home (additional travel expenses may apply).
- A consultation form will be sent to you upon booking and needs to be returned at least 72 hours before your session.
- New Mother Closing ceremonies can take place from the first few days after birth.
- Cesarean birth - we recommend waiting until the scar has healed although it’s personal choice if you feel you could benefit from the other rituals offered in this ceremony - please note that in this case the womb massage would be avoided until healing of the scar has occurred.
- Your baby is welcome to be in the room and if you need to feed that’s ok. Ideally it would be helpful to invite a close friend or partner to care for the baby during your session so that you can fully relax.
- 2 - 3 Sessions are recommended during the first 40 days postpartum.
- You may invite anyone who you wish to support and celebrate you through this often emotional but beautiful ceremony.
“The moment a child is born, the mother is also born. She never existed
before. The woman existed, but the mother, never.” - Osho